EARANNA, N.SANTOSHA GOWDA, G. B.2018-07-242018-07-242017-12-02Th-11888http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810061715The Gluconacetobacter species are known to fix large amount of nitrogen without the formation of nodules in monocot plants particularly in sugarcane. This led to recognition of its importance in agriculture. In the present study, four Gluconacetobacters were isolated from Finger millet (R-01), Maize (MZ-01), Sorghum (SO-01) and Sugarcane (SU-01). The four isolates produced brown pigments on PDA and GYC media and orange pigment on LGI-P medium. Besides, they also produced IAA, solubilized P and Zn. These isolates were identified as Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus by 16S rRNA gene sequence and screened for their efficiency on increasing growth and yield of maize and finger millet under glass house conditions. The isolate of maize (MZ-01) and its consortium consisting of G. diazotrophicus MZ-01 + B. megaterium + G. fasciculatum was found more efficient in enhancing the growth and yield. Therefore, the G. diazotrophicus MZ-01 and its consortia with 50 % recommended dose of fertilizers were selected for field studies. In the field experiment also the consortium of G. diazotrophicus MZ-01 + B. megaterium + G. fasciculatum + 50 % RDF NP found on par with 100 % RDF NP. Further, microbial population including beneficial microbes increased as the age of the plants increased and found maximum at flowering stage in both pot as well as field experiments. Thus, the G. diazotrophicus MZ-01 found superior bacterial inoculant for field crops and could save 50 % nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.ennullMolecular characterization of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus isolated from different field crops and its interactive effect with microbial consortia on growth and yield of Maize (Zea mays L.) and Finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.)Thesis