Shilaja SSanthosh Kumar, K P2019-05-212019-05-211999171638 study "Multi dimensional analysis of Agricultural Development Programmes implemented through People's Plan" was carried out with the following objectives. 1. To assess the awareness of farmers about ADPs implemented through PP. 2. To evaluate the utility of ADPs implemented through PP, as perceived by the farmers. 3. To analyse the relevancy of ADPs implemented through PP as perceived by the farmers. 4. To measure the extent of participation of clients in the ADPs implemented through PP. 5. To identify the constraints as perceived by the farmers and suggest modification for the successful implementation of ADPs through PP. The study was confined to Thiruvananthapuram district ofKerala State. The total number of respondents selected for the study was 160 farmers. Farmers were selected using random sampling procedure. The study revealed that nearly 76 percent of the farmers were aware of ADPs implemented through PP and 24 percent were not aware. About 63 percent of farmers perceived ADPs implemented through PP to be useful to them and about 37 percent perceived it as less or not useful to them. Out of the total respondents, about 57 percent perceived ADPs implemented through PP as relevant to their farming situation. XIX About 44 percent ofthe total farmers were having higher participation in planning, 12 percent participated in development seminars, 32.5 percent always participated in the implementation of ADPs implemented through PP. Nearly 56 percent of farmers were having lower participation in the planning process and 67.5 percent do not participated in the implementation of ADPs through PP. Awareness of farmers about ADPs implemented through pp was positively and significantly correlated to farmers characteristics like annual income, extension agency contact and extension participation. There was a significant and positive correlation existed between the extent of participation offarmers in the implementation of ADPs through PP and their occupation. Among the various constraints encountered in the implementation of ADPs through PP, most important one was the lack of proper financial assistance for the farmers.ennullMultidimensional analysis of agricultural development programmes implemented through people`s planThesis