Dr. Subhashchandra J. PatelB.H.Lalani2017-10-132017-10-132005http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810033040Pleurotus spp., known as oyster mushroom, are appreciated for their nutritive value, economic and fast production technology, broad adaptability under varied agroclimatic conditions and suitability of different agrowastes as substrates. Gujarat is leading industrial state of country. It has been estimated that around half of the total quantity of plant residue from agricultural and industrial processes remain unused. Today about 48 million tones of crop residue are available in Gujarat annually. Out of these waste, even if 25 per cent is utilized as substrate for growing mushrooms, a large quantity of mushrooms can be produced.enPlant PathologystudiesSTUDIES ON SPAWN PRODUCTION, BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS AND UTILIZATION OF AGRICULTURAL WASTE FOR THE PRODUCTION OF PLEUROTUS FLORIDA IN MIDDLE GUJARATThesis