A.B.PatilUmesh B.Vaddar2016-10-172016-10-172007http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/80682An attempt was made to know the effect of growth promoting rhizo microorganisms, isolated from different locations on the growth parameters of Grape cuttings as a planting material under pot culture conditions. Plant growth promoting rhizo microorganisms (PGPMs) Such as Azotobacter, (AGR-26 strains), Azospirillum (GAZ-26 strains), phosphate Solubilizers (PSBG-12 strains), Fluorescent pseudomonas (GPF-20 strains) and Aspergillus niger (PSBG-12 strains) isolated from different districts (Bagalkot, Bijapur & Belgaum) of Karnataka and they are characterized based on morphological, biochemical and physiological characteristics. Then they were screened for their beneficial traits such as N2-fixation, phosphate solubilization, production of plant growth promoting substances such as IAA, GA and bio-control under in vitro as well as in vivo condition. By considering all these beneficial traits one efficient strain was selected from each group to know the consortial effect of these growth promoting rhizo microorganisms on the growth parameters of grape cutting as a planting material. All the inoculation treatments showed better effect on plant growth parameters and nutrient uptake compared to uninoculated control. Among the inoculation treatments, single inoculation performed better than uninoculated control whereas, dual inoculations performed better over single inoculation treatments. Combined inoculation of three beneficial organisms (PSBG-92, AGR-20 + GPF-68) (T24) showed better performance compared to triple, dual, single inoculation and uninoculated control. With respect to plant growth parameters and nutrient uptake, the results of our studies indicate that the combined or consortial inoculations involving three or more beneficial organisms exerts more favourable effect on growth parameters of grape cutting as a planting material than dual or single inoculations. Results can be extrapolated to field conditions. The results of combination of four organisms were on par with combination of five organisms and hence the desired combination of Azotobacter (AGR-20) + Azospirillum (GAZ-50) + phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB-82) + phosphate solubilizing fungi (PSF-92) + Fluorescent pseudomonas was producing maximum favourable influence on growth parameters of grape cuttings and could be recommended for field applications in grape garden.Agricultural MicrobiologyStudies on grape rhizosphere microorganismsThesis