CHANDEL, ASHUTHAKUR, RAHUL2020-09-192020-09-192020-09 The secondary data on present investigation entitled “Statistical model for forecasting the milk yield” was collected using software Indian Stat (Socio-Economic Statistical Information about India). Secondary data on milk yield for cattle (Cow, Buffalo, Goat and total livestock) from 1993 to 2014 (22 years) of Himachal Pradesh were selected for the purpose. The data were subjected to regression analysis using different linear and nonlinear models in order to predict the milk yield of cattle and trend value of milk yield. Different models fitted were Linear, Quadratic, Cubic and Compound models to predict the milk yield. Also autoregressive models were fitted based on the significance of autocorrelation coefficient. , RMSE, Theil’s U statistic and F-chow statistic were used for selection of model. Quadratic model was found best fit for milk production of cow whereas cubic model was found best fit for the estimation of production of milk of goat, buffalo and total livestock.EnglishSTATISTICAL MODEL FOR FORECASTING THE MILK YIELDThesis