JANJHUA, YASMINBANITA2020-11-242020-11-242020-11https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810155667ABSTRACT Handloom weaving is the cultural heritage of the people of India and gives a very significant contribution to the total textile sector. The present study has been conducted to examine the job satisfaction level of the weavers and the gender difference of the job satisfaction. The opinions of 95 weavers have been assessed in this study. The findings showed that the weavers are satisfied with majority of the components. The females have been found to be comparatively more dissatisfied with the majority of the components. However the males are found to be more dissatisfied with females on training facility, growth opportunity, salary and implementation of government schemes. Thus it is suggested that government should implement and promote skill development programs so that specialize trainings are provided to the weavers to improve their marketing and manufacturing skills.EnglishJOB SATISFACTION OF HANDLOOM WEAVERS OF BHUTTICO BHUTTI WEAVERS CO-OPERATIVE INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY LIMITED SHAMSHI OF KULLU DISTRICT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH PROJECT REPORTThesis