Singh, T.P.Matu, Fayroz Ahmad2020-11-212020-11-212005 Thesis submitted to SKUAST-K KashmirIn Kashmir valley sericulture is mostly dependent on exotic mulberry varieties introduced from Japan and Italy. The evaluation of these varieties in terms of their nutritive potential and palatability for silkworm is of great importance, as all the constituents required for optimum growth and conversion of food into different body matters depends upon the quality of leaf. Keeping in view the nutritional requirements of silkworm for production of quality cocoon crop, the present study was undertaken at Division of Sericulture, Mirgund, with a view to evaluate the nutritional superiority of ten exotic mulberry varieties viz., Enshutakasuke, Kairyoroso, Kokuso-27, Kokuso-21, Inchinose, KNG, Kanva-2, China white, Goshoerami and Lemoncina by feeding to silkworm hybrid NB4D2 x SH6. The analysis of the data recorded during present investigation revealed that silkworm hybrid fed with Goshoerami mulberry variety showed significantly higher performance in the parameters like consumption of leaf, growth rate, efficiency of conversion of digested food into body matter, defective cocoon (%), larval mortality (%) and raw silk (%). Further, the moisture loss was also recorded least in Goshoerami. Lemoncina showed significantly higher performance for the parameters like faeces voided, consumption index, approximate digestibility, and ingesta/g of cocoon and the variety was at par with Goshoerami in efficiency of conversion of ingested food into body matter (ECI) and followed by the same variety (Goshoerami) in terms of faeces voided and consumption index. KNG showed maximum cocoon yield by weight, ECI to cocoon and ECI to shell and was at par with Goshoerami in terms of these parameters. Minimum ingesta was recorded in Kairyoroso and was at par with Lemoncina and Goshoerami in terms of ingesta and efficiency of conversion of digested food into body matter (ECD), respectively. From foregoing results it can be concluded that Goshoerami and Lemoncina varieties excelled in many desired characters. Some other varieties like Ichinose, Kanva-2, China white were also good in one or the other character.EnglishConsumption indexECD, ECI, faeces voidedmulberry varietiesSericultureBioassay of some exotic mulberry cultivars with silkworm, Bombyx mori L.Thesis