Kumar, AshokKishor, Birendra2017-08-112017-08-112008http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810028457STUDIES ON PREVALENCE AND TREATMENT OF SCHISTOSOMIASIS IN LIVESTOCK, IN AND AROUND RANCHIThe highest percentage of prevalence of Schistosoma spp. in cattle, buffablo, sheep and goat was found in more than 9 month of age group of animals. 2. There was no effect of sex on the prevalence of Schistosoma spp. in cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat. 3. The maximum prevalence of Schistosoma spp. was found during monsoon season followed by winter and summer. 4. The praziplus was found most effective in natural infection of Schistosoma spp. at the dose rate of 35 mg/kg body weight orally once. 5. Schistosomasis may effectively be controlled as per above recommendation.en-USnullSTUDIES ON PREVALENCE AND TREATMENT OF SCHISTOSOMIASIS IN LIVESTOCK, IN AND AROUND RANCHIThesis