Ahirwar, M.K.Leela, V.TANUVAS2016-07-042016-07-042012-04http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/68398Azolla, a small aquatic fern found abundantly in ponds, ditches and paddy fields in tropical and subtropical regions of the world is a good source of protein and contains about 24-30% crude protein (on dry weight basis). It is capable of assimilating atmospheric nitrogen due to the presence of symbiotic algae Anabaena azollae in its leaves (Moore, 1969). The objective of current study is to suggest possible method of using Azolla pinnata in animal feeding and its nutritive value in ruminant diet.enNutritive Value and In Vitro Degradability of Azolla Pinnata for RuminantsIVJ_V89_I04_Pg101-102Article