G.G. MarakanaDHADUK PRASHANT PRAVINBHAI2021-07-122021-07-122019-08https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170400Bio-fertilizers are natural fertilizers made from biological wastes which contain living micro-organisms. They enrich the soil with organic nutrients which in turn promotes a healthy growth of the crop. Bio-fertilizers are best defined as biologically active products or microbial inoculants viz., formulations containing one or more beneficial bacteria or fungal strains in easy to use and economical carrier materials which add, conserve and mobilize crop nutrients in the soil As the use of bio-fertilizers is mandatory in organic farming, the bio-fertilizer market is experiencing a strong growth all over the world. Hence, this research study conducted in search of expectations and constrains of farmers towards bio-fertilizers. Multistage random sampling technique was adopted to survey total 120 samples farmers from Rajkot and Jamanagar district. The multilinear regression method was employed to analyze the brand preference of farmers towards the Phosphosakti product. Garrets rankings technique has been used to find out the most preferred sales promotion activity executed by company and constrains faced by farmer in adoption of bio fertilizer. Simple tabular and graphical presentation was adopted to know socio economic profile of farmers. Simple rankings methods were also used in know farmers and dealers expectations from bio-fertilizer companies. The findings of the study showed that majority of farmers are above 50 years of age and primary education are most common amongst farmers majority of the farmers comes under medium group of land holdings. Land holdings and availability of preferred brand aremost significance factor towards the brand preference by the farmers towards the Phosphoshakti. Farmers meetings and field demonstration are most effective promotional strategy adopted by company. Farmers expect low price and timely availability from the bio-fertilizer companies, while on the other hand dealers expect improve promotional strategy. Most common constrains faced by farmer in adoption of bio-fertilizer are lack of confidence on bio-fertilizer input and lack of knowledge.English“FARMERS AND DEALERS PREFERENCE TOWARDS PHOSPOSAKTI BIO-FERTILIZER IN RAJKOT AND JAMNAGAR DISTRICTS” 2963Thesis