Sehgal, BinooGangwar, Sushma2016-12-012016-12-012005 study the household sanitation problems in rural families, the present investigation was carried out in ‘Dahima’ and ‘Bherian’ village of Hisar district of Haryana State with the following objectives : To study the existing health and sanitation conditions of selected rural families, to impart knowledge and introduce selected sanitation technologies viz. soakage pit and vermicomposting in the selected families and to analyze the acceptability and constraints in adoption of selected technologies. The requisite information was collected from 100 rural women respondents (50 from each village) selected by simple random sampling techniques out of 100 respondents, 45 respondents showed interest and came forward for attending trainings and gaining knowledge on the two technologies. The results of the study revealed that the majority of the 100 respondents (46.0%) were 29-39 years old, belonged to nuclear family (72.0%), had 3-5 members in their family (59.0%), belonged to low caste (47.0%), were illiterate (75.0%), had farming as their main family occupation (45.0%), had low mass media exposure (68.0%) and had nil social participation (89.0%). Existing sanitary conditions of the respondents’ families were not found satisfactory. Most of them were living in unhygienic conditions and followed unhygienic practices. Lecture-cum-method demonstration and posters were used to educate them on selected sanitation technologies viz. vermi-composting and soakage pit. There was significant gain in knowledge and change in attitude at the post exposure stage for the two technologies which was studied on the 45 respondents. Actual adoption was found low (10 families adopted each technology), while acceptability was found to be of medium level for both technologies. Economic, socio-cultural, technological, situational and time related constraints / reasons were observed to be the main constraints / reasons in acceptance of the two technologies.enAdoption of selected sanitation technologies in rural families - An action researchThesis