GANESH KUMAR, BNARENDRA, S2016-12-272016-12-272015 is the major producer of papaya. India is first largest country followed by Brazil in papaya production and contributes about 42.6 percent of world papaya production. In India the area, production and productivity were 132.2 ha, 5382 Mt and 40.7 t/ha respectively for the year 2012-13. Andhra Pradesh is the leading state in both area and production followed by Gujarat. Assam stands first in productivity wise with 191.9 Mt per hectare. Hyderabad is the 6th largest metropolitan city in India. 74% of populations are literates and they are having the high awareness regarding the consumption of fruits. According to the Annual Report - 2013-14 published by the Government of India is stating that increased per capita availability of fruits from 158gm/day/person in 2007-08 to 179 gm/day/person in 2012-13. Per capita income of the people in the city is higher than any other city in the state. Because of the wide diversity of the people, the income levels are varied across the different locations of the Hyderabad. Besides, the city has many number of organized retailer stores, unorganized retail stores, platform sellers and push cart vendors are involving fruit selling activities. The present study entitled “Supply chain analysis of papaya in major markets of Hyderabad” was studied with following objectives: 1 Trends in wholesale prices and volumes traded in Gaddiannaram market 2 Socio Economic Characteristics of the wholesalers 3. Socio economic characteristics of the retailers, platform sellers and push cart vendors 4. Business strategies of the retailers, platform sellers and push cart vendors The data was primarily collected through personal interview with the help of a pretested questionnaire designed especially for the purpose. The required secondary data was also collected from various sources. Different analytical tools were employed for analysis of collected data. Tabular analysis was done by working out simple averages and percentages. For evaluating the trends of area, production, yield and exports of India and Andhra Pradesh and trends of wholesale prices and volumes traded in papaya Gaddiannaram market, Hyderabad, Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) was used. To identify the constraints faced by wholesalers, retailers, Platform sellers and push cart vendors in trading of papaya in different wholesale markets and local markets Likert scaling and Garrett Ranking Techniques technique was used. Out of five years’ time period, there is no remarkable increase in the price per quintal of papaya from Rs.1224 in 2009 to Rs.1881 in 2011-12 and Rs.1484 in 2013-14, thus it showing that there is only a price difference of Rs.680 per quintal from past five years. The overall increase in the wholesale prices of papaya for the year 2013-14 over the year 2009-10 showed positive growth of 34.25 per cent. The compound growth rates of wholesale prices of papaya in the Gaddiannaram market over the period of time was significant, i.e. 3.53., it is concluded that trend in wholesale price is positive. The overall increase in the arrival of papaya for the year 2013-14 over the year 2009-10 showed positive growth of 277.92 per cent. The compound growth rates of wholesalers volume of papaya in Gaddiannaram market over the period of time was significant, i.e. 10.465. It is concluded that trend in volumes is positive. Papaya brought to the market by farmers, commission agents and produce was sold by auction. Pricing depends on the demand raised by the purchaser and is highly influenced by many other factors like quantity of produce, quality, variety etc. The marketing cost and marketing efficiency in channel – I (Producer – Wholesaler – Retailer – Consumer), Channel – II (Producer – Wholesaler – Platform sellers– Consumer), Channel – III (Producer – Wholesaler – Push cart vendors – Consumer) are 4.82, 5, 5.06 and 0.34, 0.44, 0.39 respectively. Major constraints faced by wholesalers are credit availability and malpractices in the auction. Major constraints faced by retailers, platform sellers and push cart vendors are transportation and price fluctuation of produce, perishability and traffic police, transportation and perishability. Farmers and market participants are satisfied with the facilities provided at market yard. Facilities like grading, equipments to load, unload and for weighments, payment process, physical infrastructures and labor availability require upgrading.enSUPPLY CHAIN ANALYSIS OF PAPAYA IN MAJOR MARKETS OF HYDERABADThesis