GANGARAJU, G(MAJOR)SURESH, JSrinivasa Rao, DSHAFI, MD2018-11-302018-11-302016-12 A study was undertaken to evaluate “Sunandini calf rearing scheme” implemented by Animal Husbandry department, Government of Andhra Pradesh under NSP, SCP and RKVY project during the year 2013-14. This study was carried out in Chittoor, Aanatapur and Kurnool districts of Rayalaseema region in Andhra Pradesh state. A total of 150 beneficiaries who were enrolled under the scheme were randomly selected among whom 75 each were owners of Jersey and HF crossbreds, respectively. Concurrently another sample of 150 farmers comprising 75 each of Jersey and HF crossbreds who were not covered under Sunandini calf rearing scheme were also selected for comparative assessment of productive and reproductive performance as well as and cost and returns of rearing calves. A structured interview schedule was designed keeping in view of the objective of the study in order to elicit required information from the sample farmers. The data pertaining to socio economic status of the beneficiaries were collected from the farmers and the study revealed that majority (54.7%) of the beneficiaries under the scheme were middle age group while 34 per cent of the farmers being illiterate and 35.4 per cent of them had primary level of education. The mean family size of the beneficiaries was observed as 4.66 members per family with majority (90.7%) of them having nuclear type of families. The study with regard to the social category of beneficiaries of scheme revealed that equal per cent (28.7%) of farmers belonged to SC and BC category and 38 per cent of beneficiaries belonged to other castes. Majority (42.0%) of the farmers under the scheme belonged to landless and agricultural labourers category with 48.7 per cent of them having medium (11-20 years) level of experience in dairy farming. The annual family income of the beneficiaries in the study area was found to be Rs. 86,740 with 46 per cent of the farmers following agriculture and dairy as their source of family income. Evaluation of productive and reproductive performance of the scheme and non scheme animals revealed that there was a significant difference between scheme and non scheme animals with regard to age at first calving (days), age at maturity (days), age at first AI (days) and predicted first lactation milk yield (lit). The respective values were found to be 1012.80 ± 5.47, 667.82 ± 5.17, 714.46 ± 5.27 and 2840.17 ± 29.95 liters for scheme animals and 1092.57 ± 9.50, 741.56 ± 9.55, 793.46 ± 9.99 and 2510.05 ± 33.01 for non scheme animals of Jersey crossbreds. Similarly, for HF crossbreds the respective observed values were 1031.45 ± 5.30, 681.96 ± 4.50, 728.84 ± 4.82, 3272.77 ± 39.72 for scheme and 1142.61 ± 6.85, 784.34 ± 6.58, 827.30 ± 7.03 and 2816.75 ± 24.01 for non scheme animals. Thus, the Sunandini calf rearing scheme helped the beneficiaries to reduce the age at first calving of Jersey crossbreds by 79.77 days and increase of milk yield by 330.12 lit over and above the contemporary non scheme animals. Likewise there was a reduction of 111.16 days of age at first calving and increase of 456 lit of milk in the case of HF scheme animals compared to non scheme animals The data regarding the cost and returns of rearing both jersey and HF crossbred calves were subjected to tabular analysis and the overall net total costs was observed as Rs. 12,043, Rs. 14, 447, Rs. 20, 732 and Rs. 16,782 for first, second, third and fourth year, respectively and the total cost of rearing non scheme animals was found to be Rs. 10,551, Rs. 13,457, Rs. 19,141, Rs. 21, 869 and Rs. 1, 526 for first, second, third, fourth and during first two months of fifth year, respectively. The net returns obtained was found to be Rs.-291 in first year, Rs. 12,057 in second year Rs. 25,783 in third year and Rs. 88,302 in fourth year for scheme animals and Rs. 1,349, Rs. 8,143, Rs. 13,796, Rs. 81,973 and Rs. 3,390 in first, second, third, fourth and during first 2 months of fifth year, respectively for non scheme animals. An attempt was made to bring out the constraints faced by the beneficiaries of Sunandini calf rearing scheme. About 28 per cent of the beneficiaries expressed that the indented concentrate feed was supplied at irregular intervals and 20.6 per cent felt that non inclusion of all eligible female calves of a farmer in to the scheme as another constraint followed by 18 per cent of beneficiaries recorded both the constraints in implementation of Sunandini calf rearing scheme.ennullEVALUATIVE STUDY OF “SUNANDINI CALF REARING SCHEME” IN RAYALASEEMA REGIONThesis