USHA, A. P.GOPINATHAN., A.2019-07-042019-07-042001KVASU REFERENCE CITATION present study was undertaken to compare and evaluate litter traits in Large White Yorkshire, Desi and their Crossbred pigs and to decide a breeding strategy. The data on 20-25 farrowings were collected from Centre for Pig Production and Research, Mannuthy for Large White Yorkshire, Desi and Crossbred pigs. A random sample of eight animals from each genetic group was selected and maintained from weaning to eight month of age to study the growth, feed conversion efficiency and carcass characteristics. The average birth weight and weaning weight, litter size at birth and weaning, litter weight at birth and weaning, pre-weaning mortality for each genetic group were calculated. Large White Yorkshire was found to be superior for all traits followed by Crossbred and Desi pigs. Crossbred pigs had lowest pre-weaning mortality while Desi pigs had highest litter size at birth. Analysis of variance showed that the effect of genetic group was found to be highly significant for all litter trmts except litter size at birth and weaning. The data were analysed using least squares analysis of variance to study the effect of different factors on birth weight and weaning weight in all three genetic groups. Least squares analysis of variance for birth weight revealed that the effect of sire and litter size at birth was highly significant in all three genetic groups. Sex had significant effect only in crossbreds. For weaning weight, the effect of sire and litter size at birth were found to be highly significant while sex did not show a significant effect on weaning weight in all three genetic groups. The effect of genetic group was found to be highly significant for third, fifth and eighth month body weight. But there was no significant effect noticed between Large White Yorkshire and Crossbred pigs during third month. The average daily gain and feed conversion efficiency was highest for Large White Yorkshire followed by Crossbred and Desi pigs from weaning to eight months of age. In carcass traits like back fat thickness, loin eye area, dressing percentage and carcass length. Large White Yorkshire averaged better than Desi and Crossbred pigs. The effect of genetic group was found to be highly significant for all carcass traits. The cost of production per kg of live body weight was calculated in three genetic groups, Large White Yorkshire had lower cost of production when compared to Crossbred and Desi pigs from weaning to eight month of age. The present study revealed that Large White Yorkshire had higher body weight gain, better feed conversion efficiency, average daily gain and higher values for carcass and litter traits when compared to Crossbreds and Desi pigs.ennullCOMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF LITTER TRAITS IN DESI, LARGE WHITE YORKSHIRE AND THEIR CROSSBRED PIGSThesis