Sharma, PoonamGaganpreet Kaur2016-12-252016-12-252014 present investigation was carried out to study phenotypic and molecular characterization of native chickpea mesorhizobia. A total of 20 Mesorhizobium spp. were isolated and characterized on the basis of morphological, biochemical and functional traits. Significantly high IAA was produced by Mesorhizobium spp. LGR 46 (45.25 µg mL-1) followed by the reference isolate LGR 33 (44.49 µg mL-1). Of 20 isolates, 6 isolates including reference Mesorhizobium spp. LGR 33 indicated yellow halo zone of P-solubilization on NBRIP medium. Maximum zone was shown by LGR 46 (1.8 cm) followed by LGR 33 (1.7 cm). Out of 20 isolates of Mesorhizobium spp. 43% and 33% were able to produce siderophore and HCN, respectively. A total of 57% and 62% Mesorhizobium spp. were able to produce cell wall degrading enzymes protease and cellulase respectively. Of 20 Mesorhizobium spp., 70%, 65% and 50% were tolerant to tetracycline, erythromycin and chloramphenicol respectively whereas no isolate was found to be resistant towards gentamycin. Three new native Mesorhizobium spp. LGR 46, LGR 50 and LGR 52 were most effective in controlling Fusarium wilt. Salt tolerance ability reduced with increasing salt concentration. Maximum salt tolerance was shown by Mesorhizobium isolate LGR 50 from Bathinda soil. Thirteen Mesorhizobium isolates were able to grow at 5°C temperature. Maximum amount of EPS was produced by LGR 50 (155.04 µg mL-1) followed by LGR 49 (132.64 µg mL-1) and LGR 46 (46.34 µg mL-1). Three new native isolates (LGR 46, LGR 50 and LGR 52) along with LGR 33 were amplified with nifH, gyrB and nodD primers and identified as Mesorhizobium spp. Further, Mesorhizobium isolates were screened for growth, symbiosis and yield in vivo. Isolate of Mesorhizobium sp. LGR 46 registered significantly high nodule biomass, N content of shoots and grain yield (127mg, 1.40% , 1750kg ha-1) respectively as compared to already recommended LGR 33 (98mg, 1.36%, 1708kg ha-1) respectively. Native potential mesorhizobia with dual functional traits (N2 fixation and PGP) can be exploited as ideal bioinoculant for improving productivity in chickpea.Phenotypic and molecular characterization of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) mesorhizobiaThesis