Jayalakshmi, K.Prasath, N. BabuKavitha, S.Krishnakumar, S.Veeraselvam, M.Yogeshpriya, S.TANUVAS2017-10-242017-10-242017-09http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810033703A six month old sheep was presented with history of nodular lesions on lips and tail region with tick infestation. The random biopsy samples from nodules in lips and tail region were collected in 50% glycerol saline. The whole blood and peripheral blood smear were collected for haematological analysis. The haematological values showed normocytic hypochromic anemia. The peripheral blood smear revealed the presence of Theileria sp and Anaplasma sp in erythrocytes. The outcome of the diagnosis is discussed.en-USVeterinary ScienceVeterinary MedicineConcurrent Infection of Sheep Pox, Orf, Theileriosis and Anaplasmosis in a SheepIndian Veterinary JournalArticle