Ramajayan, PTANUVASKarthickeyan, SMKKulasekar, KSivaselvam, SN2020-07-182020-07-182016http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810149364TNV_TH_MVM14009_2016Data on 57,394 ejaculates collected from 77 Murrah buffalo bulls maintained over the period from 2005 to 2015 were analysed for semen production traits. The effect of various non-genetic factors were analysed through least-squares analyses by using univariate General Linear Model (GLM) and repeatability estimates of those traits were estimated by Restricted Maximum Likelihood Method (REML) using the WOMBAT programme. The overall least-squares means for semen volume, sperm concentration, total sperm per ejaculate, mass activity, initial motility, post-thaw motility and frozen semen doses per ejaculate were 2.65 ml, 1222.04 million per ml, 3030.10 million, 2.64, 67.45 per cent, 51.73 per cent and 128.80 doses, respectively. The non-genetic factors such as ejaculate, period, season and age of the bull had highly significant (P<0.01) effect on all the semen production traits.ennullGENETIC STUDIES ON SEMEN PRODUCTION IN MURRAH BUFFALO BULLS REARED IN TAMIL NADUThesis