Dr. P.R.VaishnavR.S.Parmar2017-10-132017-10-132005http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810033053India is one of the major oilseed producing countries in the world. Among oilseeds, groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a major oil seeds crop of India. Groundnut in Gujarat is predominantly grown as rainfed crop in five districts of Saurashtra region. These districts are Amreli, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Junagadh and Rajkot. The fluctuations in the groundnut productivity over the years are wide and mainly attributed to erratic behaviour of rainfall. The present investigation was undertaken to study the effect of rainfall and its distribution on the yield of groundnut and also to have pre-harvest estimate of groundnut yield in GujaratenAgricultural StatisticsAnalysisSTATISTICAL INVESTIGATION ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RAINFALL AND GROUNDNUT PRODUCTIVITY IN GUJARATThesis