Gopinathan Nair, VKAU2019-07-252019-07-251979Agricultural Research Journal of Kerala, 17(2), 173-178. were undertaken to correlate the Mt chlorophyll deficient sectors with Ms chlorophyll mutations in rice. Chemical mutagens induced more sectors than fast neutrons. NMH was more effective than EMS in this respect. The sectors exhibited wide variation in type, intensity and persistance. They originate in leaves and panicles quite independently. Chimeric tillers yielded more chlorophyll mutations than non-chimeric tillers. Striped panicles produced more mutants than normal panicles. Thus, sectors on panicles and spikelets give a surer indication of mutations in the M; than sectors on leaves. The sector frequency on panicles can therefore be used as a reliable estimate of mutagenic effects. Selection of M, panicles with sectors can enhance the rate of chlorophyll mutations in the Ms generation.ennullInterrelation of M1 chlorophyll deficient sectors and M2 chlorophyll mutations in riceArticle