BAYYAPU REDDY, K.SAI SUDHA, B2021-09-072021-09-072021-09-07 OF SEED PRIMING WITH MICRONUTRIENTS ON SEED YIELD AND QUALITY OF BLACKGRAM GENOTYPESThe present investigation was carried out in the Department of Seed Science and Technology, Advanced Post Graduate Centre, Lam, Guntur (laboratory studies) and Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Jangamaheswarapuram, Guntur (field studies) during 2019-20 to study the effect of seed priming with micronutrients on seed yield and quality of blackgram genotypes viz., Tulasi, Lam minumu and Jaladeeswara. Initially, a preliminary experiment was conducted to standardize best concentration of micronutrient and duration of priming in blackgram genotype, Tulasi. Seeds were subjected to nutripriming with various concentrations (0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.5 %) of zinc sulphate, iron sulphate and boric acid for different durations (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 h) and seed quality parameters were recorded by standard germination test using between paper method. Among all the concentrations, 0.05 % of both zinc sulphate, iron sulphate and 0.1 % boric acid were found effective in recording highest germination (%), seedling length (cm) and seedling vigour index. Irrespective of micronutrient and concentration, priming for 6 h showed improvement in all the seed quality parameters. Seeds of blackgram genotypes, Tulasi, Lam minumu and Jaladeeswara were subjected to hydropriming and nutripriming treatments with best concentration of micronutrients (0.05 % zinc sulphate, 0.05 % iron suphate and 0.1 % boric acid) for various durations (2, 4, 6 and 8 h) and tested for germination and seedling growth along with dry seed by between paper method. Results indicated that genotype, interaction of genotype × treatment, genotype × duration and genotype × treatment × duration showed non-significant influence on germination (%). Treatment, duration and their interaction exhibited significant influence on germination (%) with highest being recorded after seed priming with 0.05 % zinc sulphate for 6 h. Among all the genotypes, treatments, durations and their interactions nutripriming with 0.05 % zinc sulphate for 6 h in Tulasi showed significantly higher seedling length (cm) and seedling vigour index. xvi Seeds of blackgram genotypes viz., Tulasi, Lam minumu and Jaladeeswara were subjected to nutripriming either individually (0.05 % zinc sulphate, 0.05 % iron sulphate, 0.1 % boric acid) or in combination (0.05 % zinc sulphate + 0.05 % iron sulphate, 0.05 % zinc + 0.1 % boric acid, 0.05 % iron sulphate + 0.1 % boric acid and 0.05 % zinc sulphate + 0.05 % iron sulphate + 0.1 % boric acid) for 6 h and shade dried to reach 9 % moisture content. Primed seeds along with dry seed were evaluated for seed quality and field parameters. Analysis of variance of results disclosed that blackgram genotype, Tulasi and nutripriming with combination of 0.05 % zinc sulphate + 0.05 % iron sulphate + 0.1 % boric acid recorded highest improvement in all seed quality parameters. In field studies, nutripriming with combination of 0.05 % zinc sulphate + 0.05 % iron sulphate + 0.1 % boric acid in Tulasi showed best improvement for all field parameters viz., plant height at 25, 50 DAS and at maturity, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, seed yield per plant and seed yield per plot. Nutripriming with combination of 0.05 % zinc sulphate + 0.05 % iron sulphate + 0.1 % boric acid followed by 0.05 % zinc sulphate + 0.1 % boric acid in Tulasi showed advancement in days to 50 % flowering. Treatments that included zinc sulphate also showed best performance in all the above mentioned parameters that was superior over unprimed seed. Among all the genotypes, Tulasi showed better performance in all characters which was statistically superior to Lam minumu and Jaladeeswara. Correlation studies exhibited highly significant positive association of number of pods per plant, number of branches per plant, plant height at maturity and negative association of days to 50 % flowering with seed yield. Micronutrient analysis of soil after harvest indicated that genotype and treatment exhibited significant impact on residual zinc, iron and boron contents. The interaction due to genotype and treatment showed significant effect on residual zinc and boron contents but non-significant influence on residual iron content of soil after harvest. Results revealed that better absorption of nutrients was noticed after seed priming with combination of all the micronutrients viz., 0.05 % zinc sulphate + 0.05 % iron sulphate + 0.1 % boric acid in Tulasi. Seed quality parameters of harvested crop exhibited non-significant effect among all the three genotypes in germination and field emergence while significant influence was observed in case of seedling length, seedling vigour index and total protein content. Nutripriming treatments exerted significant influence on germination, seedling length and seedling vigour index while non significant effect on field emergence and total protein content. Genotype, treatment and their interaction showed significant influence on seedling length and seedling vigour index, which were highest upon nutripriming with zinc sulphate + 0.1 % boric acid and 0.05 % iron sulphate + 0.1 % boric acid in Tulasi, respectively. The present study disclosed that blackgram genotype, Tulasi, showed better performance upon nutripriming. Nutripriming with combination of all the three micronutrients 0.05 % zinc sulphate + 0.05 % iron sulphate + 0.1 % boric acid and 0.05 % zinc sulphate + 0.1 % boric acid proved to be efficient in enhancing seed yield and quality of blackgram genotypes.EnglishEFFECT OF SEED PRIMING WITH MICRONUTRIENTS ON SEED YIELD AND QUALITY OF BLACKGRAM GENOTYPESThesis