Dr. D. J. GhodasaraANKURKUMAR B.PATEL2018-01-062018-01-062016http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810038918The present research work was carried out on yolk sac infection in broiler chicks with special reference to pathogenic Escherichia coli. The study compromised the information in relation to mortality pattern and post-mortem incidence due to yolk sac infection; gross and histopathological examination of yolk sac membrane, isolation, identification and biochemical characterization of organisms from yolk sac of infected chicks; antibiogram of Escherichia coli isolates and detection of virulence gene by PCR of Escherichia colienVeterinary PathologyStudies“STUDIES ON YOLK SAC INFECTION IN BROILER CHICKS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PATHOGENIC ESCHERICHIA COLI”Thesis