Piyush MehtaNAKUL VASHISTH2024-06-272024-06-272023-08-21https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810211033The study on Product-Market Orientation and Interaction Intensity of Members in Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) in Himachal Pradesh has mainly focused on to understand the awareness of workers in reference to the Product-Market orientation dealt with FPOs, further the study has also effectively evaluated FPO members interaction intensity in reference to marketing activities and has identified the marketing issues and challenges faced by the FPOs. The study has mainly highlighted that marketing resources and assistance have been identified as critical elements impacting marketing awareness, indicating that FPOs should prioritize these components in order to empower their members. Further it as also suggested through the finding of the study that providing targeted initiatives and incentives for young people to enter agriculture and take up leadership roles within FPOs will help safeguard the future of the industry, and FPOs should concentrate on engaging and educating younger farmers as well. FPOs should implement regular and comprehensive training programs to continuously update farmers' knowledge and skills.EnglishA STUDY ON PRODUCT-MARKET ORIENTATION AND INTERACTION INTENSITY OF MEMBERS IN FARMER PRODUCER ORGANISATIONS (FPOs) IN HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis