Kshirsagar, D. B.Nimbalkar Rajashree Subhash2021-12-182021-12-182021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810179477(Reg. No. 019/308)The present investigation was undertaken during rabi-2019-20 with an objective to study the compatibility of different tomato varieties grafted on brinjal rootstock and to study the growth, yield and quality parameters of different tomato varieties grafted on brinjal rootstock. The experimental material consisted of two rootstocks and three scions in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) having nine treatment and three replications. Brinjal rootstocks were used Solanum torvum and RHRB-06 and scions used Phule Raja, Phule Kesari and NS 501 of tomato hybrids and varieties. Grafting success rate (%) was found out by number of plants alive to the total number of plants grafted multiplied by hundred and expressed in percentage. Results revealed that grafting success rate ranging from (83.65-89.96). Maximum success rate was observed in Phule Raja grafted on Solanum torvum (89.96 %).EnglishRESPONSE OF TOMATO GRAFTED ON BRINJAL ROOTSTOCK FOR GROWTH, YIELD AND QUALITYThesis