Kapur, SandeepGurbir Singh2019-07-112019-07-112015http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810113986Greenhouse production represents the most intensive of agricultural production system. Structures are capital intensive and requirements of energy and labour are generally high. Yet this production system offers a cost-efficient way to derive maximum out of the crop plants. Greenhouse cultivation is being increasingly used in India as it has proved to be a profitable enterprise for growing high value vegetable, flowers and nursery seedlings for targeted markets. The present study was conducted to study of technology adoption of polyhouse. The study was conducted by selecting 40 farmers who are have adopted polyhouse , from villages of Ludhiana district and by selecting 160 farmers from each village on basis of systematic random sampling. Thus, a total sample size of 200 farmers was selected. Primary data was collected with the help of structured and non-disguised questionnaires. Two separate questionnaires were prepared. For the first objective, data was collected from the Horticulture District Officer. For the second objective, data was collected from the farmers. The study showed that a requirement of close supervision and lack of minimum support prices in vegetable are one of the most important factors responsible for non-adoption of polyhouse technology.ennullPolyhouse technology adoption- A study of factor affecting choice of technologyThesis