SAHU, RAJESH KUMARAWADHESH KUMARKHAN, M.A.TAMRAKAR, SAMEER KUMARCHAURE, N.K.2018-01-032018-01-032017 study was conducted in Baloda bazar-Bhatapara district of Chhattisgarh, during the year 2016-17. A total of 120 vegetable growers were selected as respondents from eight villages of Bhatapara and Simga blocks. The data were collected personally through pre-tested interview schedule and analysed by using appropriate statistical methods. Thestudy revealed thatmajority of vegetable growers were middle aged (35 to 55 years), had education up to primary school level, belonging to Other Backward Class, having joint family of six to ten members, out of which three to five members were engaged in some income generating activities. Most of them had rich farming experience of above 25 years, participating in gram panchayat and caste panchayat and were office bearers in kisan club. Majority of the respondents were small farmers possessingirrigated Kanhar(Vertisols) soil withpersonal tube well as source of irrigation. It was found that most of the respondentswere involved in agriculture and received one to two lac rupees as annual income from all sources. The majority of respondents had acquired credit from nationalised banks for six to twelve months period for purchasing agro-chemicals. Majority of them were getting information regarding vegetable production from friends while highest credibility was found towards University scientists. Television was the most popular mass media with highest credibility. They were having contact with RAEOs/RHEOs and had participated in Extension meeting and were having medium cosmopoliteness. Considering all the three seasons together viz.,kharif, rabi and zaid, vegetable crops were cultivated on a total of 348.0 ha land by the respondents. Tomato occupied highest acreage of total 132.31 ha in all the three season. The area under major vegetables cultivated in Kharif were Tomato (45.8 ha), Brinjal (39.8 ha) and Okra (19.60 ha). In Rabi seasons Tomato (49.11 ha), Chilli (43.70 ha) and Brinjal (30.79 ha) were the most popular vegetable crop amongsts the respondents.Similarly in Zaid, Tomato (37.4 ha), Chilli (23.7 ha)and Brinjal (21.2 ha) were popular vegetable grown by the respondents in the study area. Majority of the vegetable growers were having medium level of innovativeness, achievement motivation, decision making ability, economic motivation, risk orientation, management orientationand high level of leadership ability.A little less than two-third of the respondents were possessing medium level of the entrepreneurial attributes index. Correlation coefficient test was applied on the data and the results revealed that positive and highly significant correlation was observed between Mass media participation, Extension contact, Extension participation and Cosmopoliteness with innovativeness with Entrepreneurial Attributes Index at one per cent level of probability. Results further revealed thatpositive and highly significant correlation was observed between Mass media participation and Extension contact with Achievement motivation with at one per cent level of probability. Further it was observed that positive and highly significant correlation was between Extension participation with Decision making ability at one per cent level of probability. There was positive and highly significant correlation between Annual income and Cosmopoliteness with Economic motivation at one per cent level of probability. Positive and highly significant correlation was also observed between Age, Education, Annual income, Extension participation and Cosmopoliteness with Risk orientation at one per cent level of probability.Results further revealed a positive and highly significant correlation between Size of land holding with Leadership ability at one per cent level of probability. A positive and highly significant correlation was there between Age, Education, and Annual income with Management orientation at one per cent level of probability. And also a positive and highly significant correlation was observed between Annual income, Extension contact and Cosmopoliteness with Entrepreneurial Attributes Index at one per cent level of probability. While the results revealed that Age was significantly correlated at five percent level of probabilitywith Innovativeness.And Age was also significantly correlated at five percent level of probability with Decision making ability. Further Size of land holdings was significantly correlated at five percent level of probability with Economic motivation. Size of land holding was significantly correlated at five percent level of probability with Risk orientation.Whereas Age and Size of land holding were significantly correlated at five percent level of probability with Entrepreneurial Attributes Index. Majority of the respondents reported that price fluctuation in the market, lack of labour, availability no provision of vegetable crop insurance are the major constraints in vegetable cultivation. Most of them were suggested for intervention of government in resolving labour scarcity problem may be through MGNREGA. Some of the respondents were also suggested for MSP type mechanism at least for major vegetables like tomato, chilli, onion and brinjal so as to create stability in their income from vegetable farming.ennullA STUDY ON ENTREPRENEURIAL ATTRIBUTES OF VEYGETABLES GROWING FARMERS IN BALODA BAZAR - BHATAPARA DISTRICT OF CHHATTISGARHThesis