Dr. N. CHAMUNDESWARIKARUNA SRI, K2017-10-112017-10-112015http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810032870D5185The present investigation, “Studies on inheritance of physical quality traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.)” was carried out during kharif 2014 at Andhra Pradesh Rice Research Institute (APRRI) and Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Maruteru, Andhra Pradesh. Four different F2 populations along with their F1 seed (crossed seed) and parents were collected from Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, APRRI & RARS, Maruteru and evaluated during kharif 2014. Data was recorded on kernel length (mm), kernel breadth (mm), kernel L/B ratio, hulling (%), milling (%), head rice recovery (%), test weight (g) and grain yield per plant (g). The data was subjected to Chi-square (߯ଶ) analysis. The inheritance of physical quality characters viz., kernel length, kernel breadth and kernel L/B ratio in BPT 5204 x NLR 145, IR 50 x NLR 3042, MTU 1075 x BPT 5204 were controlled by two genes with supplementary type of epistatic interaction (9:3:4), while in JGL 17004 x MTU 3626 these physical quality characters were controlled by single dominant gene (3:1). The inheritance of milling traits viz., hulling per cent, milling per cent and head rice recovery in all the four cross combinations were controlled by two genes showing polymeric type of epistatic interaction (9:6:1). All the characters that are governed by epistatic interaction (either supplementary or polymeric gene action) viz., kernel length, kernel L/B ratio, hulling per cent, milling per cent and head rice recovery can be further evaluated and improved by adopting biparental mating and diallel selective mating system, while the characters governed by single dominant gene can be improved by simple selection. The study of character association revealed that the characters viz., hulling per cent, milling per cent, head rice recovery and test weight showed significant positive association with grain yield per plant. A positive non significant correlation of kernel breadth was observed with test weight and grain yield per plant. Kernel length and kernel L/B ratio showed negative non significant association with test weight and grain yield per plant, indicating that test weight and grain yield per plant may not increase with increasing kernel breadth or decreasing kernel length and kernel L/B ratio indicating that these characters had little influence on grain yield per plant. Therefore, from the present study it is inferred that selection for more test weight will simultaneously improve grain yield with good milling traits.en-USnullSTUDIES ON INHERITANCE OF PHYSICAL QUALITY TRAITS IN RICE (Oryza sativa L.)Thesis