SHARMA, MONICAATTRI, KAUSHAL2017-03-212017-03-212016 The present investigation entitled “Studies on Fusarium wilt of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)” was conducted in the laboratories and experimental farm of the Department of Plant Pathology. During the survey of the disease, 20-53 per cent incidence of wilt was recorded in Solan and Sirmaur districts of Himachal Pradesh. Pathogenicity test was conducted on 35-40 days old seedlings of bell pepper and incubation period of 240 h was recorded. Effect of different temperature and pH levels on mycelial growth of pathogen were studied under in vitro conditions and optimum mycelial growth was observed at temperature of 25°C and pH 7.0. Studies conducted under pot culture conditions, revealed that soil temperature of 25°C and 40 per cent of soil moisture level were best for the disease development. Among different systemic and non-systemic fungicides tested under in vitro conditions, carbendazim at 50, 100, 150 ppm and tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin at 500 ppm were found most effective and resulted in complete mycelial growth inhibition. Under field conditions, soil drenching of carbendazim (0.2 %), carbendazim + mancozeb (0.25 %) and tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin (0.1%) were found most effective and increased fruit yield. Among different SAR inducers evaluated under pot culture conditions, seedling dip treatment of acibenzolar- S- methyl at 0.05 mM for 45 minutes was found most effective in managing the disease and also increased healthy leaves percentage, plant weight and height of plants. Seedling dip treatment of β- amino-butyric acid was also found effective followed by salicylic acid and resulted in 85 and 64 per cent disease reduction, respectively and also increased plant growth parameters. Seedling dip treatment of acibenzolar-S- methyl (0.05 mM) and β- aminobutyric acid (1 mM) under field conditions were found effective and reduced disease incidence to 80 and 73 per cent as well as resulted fruit yield of 15.50, 14.50 kg/plot respectively. Nickel and cobalt nanoparticles which were evaluated under in vitro conditions, nickel nanoparticles followed by cobalt at 500 ppm concentration were found effective and resulted in 89 and 87 per cent mycelial growth inhibition respectively. Under pot culture conditions, nickel and cobalt nanoparticles at 400 ppm concentration were most effective and gave hundred per cent disease reduction.en---STUDIES ON FUSARIUM WILT OF BELL PEPPER (Capsicum annuum L.)Thesis