Devi Prasad .V (MAJOR)Sreenu MakkenaChandra Prasad .BBHAGYA SRI KONDETI2024-06-302024-06-302023-04 present investigation was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of various diagnostic modalities in detecting the disorders of digestive system in vomiting dogs. Among 52 dogs with clinical signs of obstruction, 47 (90.38%) were diagnosed with a specific disorder. In the present study, mongrel (n=11; 23.4%) and mixed breed dogs (n=10; 21.3%), male dogs and young animals were found to have affected to the highest extent. Anorexia, loss of body weight and projectile vomiting were the chief clinical signs The haematological findings in specific cases included anemia and neutrophilic leucocytosis. In chronic cases, the serum biochemical alterations included elevated levels of serum cortisol, CRP, glucose and cholesterol and decreased levels of total proteins and serum electrolytes. Assessment of SI max/L5 yielded correct results in 68.75% and false negative results in 31.25% cases. Contrast radiography was useful either in confirming or supporting the diagnosis and in no case, it remained inconclusive. Out of 32, 26 were confirmed (81.25%) and six (18.75%) were supported by the contrast radiography. The images obtained with barium sulphate and MCM were of adequate diagnostic quality. But between them, barium sulphate can be adjudged superior to MCM. Adverse reactions were not recorded in any of the animals under study. In the present study, ultrasonography was performed in 17 dogs out of which it confirmed the diagnosis in 9 (52.9%), supported the diagnosis in 5 (29.4%) and remained in conclusive in 3 (17.7%) animals. Thus, from the above results in can be concluded that, ultrasonography can be a good diagnostic modality in detecting the foreign bodies of GIT by acoustic shadowing, intussusception by target sign, pyloric stenosis, splenic tumours. The use of ultrasonography in detecting hypomotility of stomach is variable. It is difficult to assess the ulceration of the GIT. Endoscopy was useful in visualizing the foreign bodies, assessing the oesophageal and gastric mucous membranes and confirming the ulceration. The conclusion from this study include: 1. Radiography is the simple and basic tool in assessing the digestive system in vomiting dogs with equivocal clinical signs. 2. Contrast radiography is superior to ultrasonography in establishing an objectively verifiable conclusions in cases like megaoesophagus and delayed gastric emptying, 3. The image quality of bariums sulphate and iohexol + CMC is adequate although, when compared, barium sulphate contrast radiography remains superior. 4. Results of ultrasonography can be equipment dependent and must be carried out by spending enough time 5. For diagnosing mucosal disorders of oesophagus and stomach, endoscopy can be considered best.EnglishCOMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF BARIUM SULPHATE VS IOHEXOL AND CARBOXY METHYL CELLULOSE CONTRAST MEDIA FOR IMAGING DISORDERS OF DIGESTIVE SYSTEM IN DOGSThesis