NARENDRA BABU RVINAYANANDA COTANUVASAPPA RAO VVIJAYA RANI KRAMESH SKALAIKANNAN A2024-01-022024-01-022021 present research work was carried out to study the effect of three different tenderizers viz., papain, electrical stimulation and CaCl2 on various physico-chemical parameters, textural properties, structural and proteomic changes in spent hen meat. Spent hens (White leghorn) of around 72 weeks old, weighing 1.2-1.3 kg, which were fed and handled under the same management conditions were purchased from local market of Vepery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu were used in the study. Birds were withdrawn from feed for 12 hours prior to slaughter and hygienically slaughtered as per the standard procedure followed at Department of Livestock Products Technology (Meat Science) and used in the experiments. Tenderization treatments were applied within 20 minutes after exsanguination. In experiment I, Pectoralis major muscles were excised from left side of carcass muscles and injected with different concentrations of papain (100 TU (T1), 150 TU (T2) or 200 TU (T3)) at the rate of 10 per cent of the weight and corresponding right-side muscles were injected with distilled water and used as control groups. Samples were stored at 4±1 ºC and physico-chemical parameters like pH, water-holding capacity, shear force value, myofibrillar fragmentation index, cooking loss, R-value, lactic acid and glycogen were analysed at different ageing periods (0, 2, 4 and 6 hours). In experiment II, carcasses were split into two halves using electric carcass splitting saw by leaving neck at the left side and without affecting the muscle integrity. Left half of the carcasses were electrically stimulated (ES) with 90 V (T1) or 150 V (T2) (Specifications of ES-alternative current; frequency 50 Hz; period-20 milli seconds; duration of 90 seconds with 5 seconds on/off) using electrical stimulator within 20 minutes of exsanguination and right half used kept as a control without stimulation. Pectoralis major muscle were excised from all carcasses and stored at 4±1 ºC followed by analysis of physico-chemical parameters at different time intervals (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 24 hours). Similarly, in experiment III, left side muscles were injected with CaCl2 at different concentrations (0.1 M (T1), 0.3 M (T2) or 0.5 M (T3)) at the rate of 10 per cent and corresponding right-side muscles were injected with distilled water and used as control groups. All the injected samples were stored at 4±1 ºC and physico-chemical parameters were analysed at different time intervals (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 24 hours). In experiment IV, the selected optimum tenderizing concentration from experiment I, experiment III and voltage from experiment II with corresponding ageing time were employed parallelly and parameters like collagen content, collagen solubility, protein extractability, texture profile, ultrastructural morphology and proteome characteristics were analysed along with control groups. Mean value of 6 trials were used for statistical analysis Statistical analysis was performed with the analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS software and mean values were obtained by Duncan’s multiple range tests.EnglishEFFECT OF TENDERIZATION METHODS ON PHYSICO CHEMICAL, ULTRASTRUCTURE AND PROTEOME CHARACTERISTICS OF SPENT HEN MEATThesis