Sharma, P CSharma, Shweta2022-02-152022-02-152020-11-28 for juice extraction and storage of aonla juice cv. NA-7 and Desi (Seedling) aonla and preparation of aonla juice based ready to serve beverage was optimized. Out of four different combinations, enzymatic pretreatment of grated aonla mass by adding 1000ppm pectinase enzyme at 50°C for 4 hours followed by juice extraction in screw type juice extractor resulted in a significant improvement in juice yield i.e. 68.1% in cv. NA-7 and 65% in Desi (seedling) aonla against 50.1% in NA-7 and 48.1% in Desi (seedling) aonla fruits. The extracted juice exhibited 9.9-10.13°B TSS, 1.21-1.24% titratable acidity, 543.3-545mg/100ml ascorbic acid, 3.19- 3.29mgGAE/100ml total phenols, 0.97-0.99% tannins with 56.3-58.6% antioxidant activity. Juice of Desi (seedling) aonla fruits on the other hand contained comparatively higher level of TSS 12-12.06°B, Ascorbic acid 586-588.9mg/100ml, 3.39-3.48mg GAE/100ml total phenols, 1.09-1.19% tannins with 62.3-64.9% antioxidant activity. Further, among different preservative combinations, the juice preserved by using 500 ppm KMS and stored at low temperature (5±1°C) exhibited better retention of biochemical constituents like ascorbic acid, phenols, tannins and antioxidant activity even after 90 days of storage. The ready to serve beverage made by using 15% aonla juice and maintaining 15°B TSS (acidity 0.3%) without any exogenous addition of citric acid was adjudged the most acceptable on a 9 point hedonic scale. Thus both type of aonla fruits Desi (seedling) as well as cultivated cultivars can successfully be utilized for preparation and preservation of aonla juice and ready to serve beverage of acceptable sensory qualities.EnglishStandardization of method for extraction and storage of aonla juiceThesis