Abdul Rahiman Kunju, OThamban, CKAU2019-09-172019-09-171990http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810128575PGA research study was undertaken to evolve a training strategy for the farmers of Kasaragod district, Kerala. A Sample of 100 farmers were selected from ten panchayats of the district. Besides, 24 agricultural scientists and 20 extension personnel were also selected as respondents. A structured pre-tested interview schedule was used to elicit responses from farmers. A questionnaire was used in the case of agricultural scientists and extension personnel. The salient findings of the study are as follows; Majority (57 %) of the farmers were having medium knowledge level on improved cultivation practices of rice and coconut while 24 per cent had low and 19 per cent had high knowledge level. The farmers had appreciable knowledge about planting and after care while that regarding plant protection was poor in the case of rice. With regard to coconut, the farmers’ knowledge on planting and after care was of the high order while that of manures and manuring was dismal. The farmers expressed maximum training needs on plant protection of rice, while in the case of coconut it was on manures and manuring. Most of the farmers proffered peripatetic type of training, preferably during January and February at the nearest Krishibhavan. Demonstration was the most preferred training method. The agricultural scientists and extension personnel opined that the farmers should be trained on plant protection, manures and manuring and improved varieties with respect to rice and coconut cultivation. Actual cultivators, farmers from whom others seek guidance and farmers who have the spirit to assist others were the important criteria to be considered while selecting trainees for farmers’ training as opined by agricultural scientists and extension personnel. Regarding the selection of trainers, they perceived field experience, knowledge of local agricultural problems and communication ability as the important criteria to be considered. Pre and post-training evaluation was considered as the most important phase by them. Subject matter coverage, feed back from trainees and improvement in skill an knowledge of trainees were the important aspects of farmers’ training to be evaluated, they opined. Contact with trained farmers through field visits, by the trainers, identifying the constraints in putting in to practice the knowledge and skill in field situation by the trained farmers and arranging further training based on the trained farmers’ felt problems were the important methods of follow –up of farmers training, as suggested by the agricultural scientist and extension personnel. Based on the results of the study, a training strategy was prepared for the farmers of the kasaragod districtennullTraining strategy for the farmers of Kasaragod districtThesis