Dr. V. CHANDRASHEKHARA MURTHYVIJAY PEETALA2021-03-262021-03-262018-02https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810163157A clinical study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of mifepristone and misoprostol in induction of parturition in dogs with single puppy syndrome. The incidence of single puppy syndrome was 5.08 per cent, recorded in nine different breeds of dogs. The highest incidence was observed in Pug while the lowest in Dachshund and Chihuahua. Further, higher incidence was noticed in primiparous bitches with less than two years of age. The incidence of dystocia due to single puppy syndrome was 25 per cent. The blood glucose, serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations were within normal physiological range in both control and treatment groups. In control group, all the animals bearing singleton were presented with dystocia and assisted whelping was performed. All the animals in treatment group hadn’t shown any signs of parturition even after 62 days of gestation were administered mifepristone @ 5 mg/kg BW per orally twice a day at 12 hours interval followed by intra vaginal administration of misoprostol @ 200 µg for bitches with ≤ 20 kg BW and 400 µg for bitches with > 20 kg BW, 12 hours after second dose of mifepristone. The mean time taken for the expulsion of the single pup from the time of initiation of treatment was 28 ± 2.74 hours and the mean time taken for the expulsion of the single pup after administering misoprostol intravaginally was 5.3 ± 1.7 hours. Live singletons were whelped in all treatment group animals giving 100 per cent results. It is concluded that the use of mifepristone and misoprostol combination is safe and effective for induction of parturition in female dogs with single puppy syndromeEnglishCLINICAL EFFICACY OF MIFEPRISTONE AND MISOPROSTOL IN INDUCTION OF PARTURITION IN FEMALE DOGS WITH SINGLE PUPPY SYNDROMEThesis