Dr. Kalpesh KumarKHER SURPALSINH RAJESHBHAI20721210072024-01-052024-01-052023-09https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810205771This study aims to measure the growth and stability of the cumin crop, identify factors influencing brand loyalty, examine the impact of promotional activities on farmers' purchase behavior, assess farmers' awareness levels, and determine their satisfaction levels. The research was conducted in three talukas of Rajkot district using a multistage sampling technique, with 200 farmers selected as respondents. Various research methodologies were employed to achieve the study's objectives. CAGR and CDVI were used to assess the growth and stability of the cumin crop, while a Linear Multiple Regression Model was employed to identify factors affecting brand loyalty towards UPL fungicide. Garrett's ranking technique was used to study the influence of promotional activities on farmers' purchase behavior, and a class interval was utilized to determine farmers' awareness levels about Avancer Glow. Importance-Performance Analysis was conducted to identify farmers' satisfaction levels towards UPL fungicide. The study investigated cumin production, factors influencing the purchase of Avancer Glow, promotional activities for pesticide sales, awareness levels about Avancer Glow fungicide among farmers, and cumin farmers' satisfaction with fungicide attributes. The findings revealed significant growth in cumin production during the first period, followed by slower but positive growth in the second period. Factors such as product quality and dealer influence positively affected the purchase of Avancer Glow. On-farm demonstrations and farmer meetings played significant roles in pesticide purchases. However, awareness about Avancer Glow fungicide was found to be low among farmers. Farmer satisfaction varied, with areas for improvement identified. Enhancing product quality, considering dealer opinions, and implementing interactive promotions are crucial for increasing Avancer Glow purchases. Efforts to raise awareness and improve fungicide attributes are recommended to enhance crop productivityEnglishAN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON VARIOUS ASPECTS OF UPL FUNGICIDE USAGE AMONG FARMERS IN RAJKOT DISTRICT 3772Thesis