Tripathi, Dr. Abhishek DuttSingh, Shubhendra2018-07-272018-07-272017BEETROOT (Beta vulgaris L.) grown all over the world and consumed in various forms, i.e., as fresh vegetable, juice, desiccated and frozen product and as a natural pigment. Betalain is the major pigment abundantly in beetroot which are chemical defined as the derivatives of betalamic acids. Beetroot contains high concentration of sugar (10-12 %, w/v), organic acids, flavonoids and polyphenols which makes it suitable vegetable for wine making. In the present study separate trials of beetroot juices were tested for wine production using the three different strains namely, Saccharomyces cerevisiae MTCC 178, Saccharomyces uvarum ATCC 9080 and Sacchromyces cerevisiae NDRI strain. Sensory and physiochemical analysis analysis of chosen beetroot trails showed that the trail no. T5 (i.e., TSS 18°Brix, inoculums size 5% (v/v)) gave best result using Saccharomyces cerevisiae NDRI strain in comparison to other two strains. Wine prepared from Trial no. T5 possessed 7.5 % ethanol (v/v), comprised of polyphenol, flavonoids which posses anti carcinogenic, anti-ageing affects, and can be consumed as health tonic by consumers suffering from cardiovascular & diabetic diseases serving as functional beverage and was found to be cost effective. Total ethanol content was evaluated by GC-MS and sensory analysis was done by trained panel of judges using 9 point hedonic scale.ennullDEVELOPMENT OF OF BEETROOT (Beta Vulgaris L.) WINE USING DIFFERENT Saccharomyces STRAINS WITH IMPROVED SENSORIAL AND FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICSThesis