Jadoun, R. S.Paliwal, Swarnima2024-08-212024-08-212023-02Theses of Ph.Dhttps://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810213464A study on value chain of medicinal and aromatic crops in Garhwal division of Uttarakhand was conducted for determining the contribution of stakeholders in terms of value addition on different steps of MAPs value chain, comparing market efficiency and examining entrepreneurial opportunities and suggesting policy for efficient entrepreneurial ventures. Tehri Garhwal district, four MAPs (Rosemary, Dandelion, Lemon Grass and Lavender), five pattis, ten contractors, three each of processor and wholesalers, five retailers, fifty consumers and three hundred MAPs farmers were selected for the study. Simple statistical tool like average, percentage, standard deviation, Chi-square test, independent T-test, paired T-test and one-way ANOVA were used to examine the factors affecting production and marketing practices. Whereas, various formulas were used like Conventional method, Acharya’s approach, Shepherd approach to measure the market efficiency of the MAPs value chain. Apart from this, factor analysis and GRT technique was carried out to examine the factor influencing value chain performance. The study revealed that farmers received higher price from MAPs cultivation along with safety from the loss incurred due to wild animals besides lack of information regarding MAPs varieties and non-availability of transportation facilities. The low support by government and high labour cost in hills adds to the transportation costs for market intermediaries. It was observed that two primary value chains operate for Rosemary, Lavender and Nursery while a single value chain operate for Dandelion and Lemon Grass in the selected five pattis of Tehri Garhwal. It was noted that value chain II had lowest cost for Rosemary dry leaves, Lavender bulbs and Nursery of MAPs with lowest marketing margin presenting a higher share of farmer’s share in consumer’s rupee, resulting in higher marking efficiency at pre-, during- and post-pandemic. It was also noted that less number of intermediaries results in more profit to the farmers. Thus, the value chain II was evolved as the most efficient chain for procurement to the firms and farmers. MAPs have large potential to improve the livelihood of small and marginal farmers. It was experienced that during the pandemic period, reverse migration promoted the engagement of unemployed rural youth for production of MAPs and generation of self-employment. As overall an increment of 500% in self-employment was observed over the period of five years. Value chain is found as the best measure to understand the socio-economic status of farmers in the production of medicinal and aromatic plants. Thus, the agricultural marketing integrated with existing services helps the farmers in market linkage with global market which provide transparency to the buyers.EnglishA Study on Value Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops in Garhwal Division of UttarakhandThesis