BHASKAR, S.BASAVALINGAIAH2017-03-012017-03-012009-08-17Th-9492 field experiment was conducted at Kollibylu, Chikmagalur district, Karnataka during the year 2006 to 2009 to study the “Effect of coffee pulp effluent irrigation, nutrient levels and microbial culture on growth and yield of banana (Musa paradisiaca. L.)”. Alternate irrigation with lime treated effluent and fresh water with microbial culture recorded maximum bunch yield of banana plant and ratoon crop (75.1 and 69.6 tha-1, respectively). The highest TSS of banana was recorded in raw effluent irrigation without microbial culture (25.85 and 25.98%, plant and ratoon crop, respectively). Reducing sugars and total sugars were found highest in lime treated effluent irrigation without microbial culture (21.68 and 24.34%, respectively) in banana plant crop. However, reducing sugars and total sugars in banana ratoon crop were found to be maximum in raw effluent irrigation without microbial culture (21.37 and 24.14%, respectively). Alternate irrigation with lime treated effluent with 50% nitrogen recorded maximum bunch yield of banana plant and ratoon crop (71.8 and 67.1 tha-1, respectively). The highest values of TSS, reducing sugars and total sugars in banana plant and ratoon crop were recorded in lime treated effluent irrigation without nitrogen (25.1% and 25.1%, 22.39 and 22.90%, 25.49 and 26.01%, respectively). Alternate irrigation with lime treated effluent and fresh water with microbial culture recorded maximum net returns and B:C ratio both in plant and ratoon crop (Rs.2,88,330 ha-1 and Rs.3,12,937 ha-1, 3.31 and 8.99, respectively). Net returns and B:C ratio were also maximum in Alternate irrigation with lime treated effluent and fresh water with 50 per cent nitrogen application both in plant and ratoon crop (Rs.274372 ha-1 and 302864, 3.25 and 9.27, respectively). Raw effluent irrigation without microbial culture recorded lower soil pH, higher EC, organic carbon and available nitrogen in plant crop as well as in ratoon crop (5.86 and 5.51, 0.463 and 0.526 dSm-1, 0.83 and 0.82 %, 303.8 and 323.6 kg ha-1, respectively). Alternate and 1:1 ratio irrigation with lime treated effluent with and without microbial culture recorded higher soil available phosphorus (52.8 and 52.0 kg ha-1, respectively). Soil available potassium was more in raw effluent irrigation without microbial culture in banana plant crop (402.1 kg ha-1) and lime treated effluent irrigation with microbial culture in ratoon crop (425.3 kg ha-1).ennullEFFECT OF COFFEE PULP EFFLUENT IRRIGATION, NUTRIENT LEVELS AND MICROBIAL CULTURE ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF BANANA (Musa paradisiaca L.)Thesis