Rokhade, A KKustagi, Gajanana2019-08-082019-08-082002No. of references 105"The studies on extraction and storage of aonla juice, standardization of recipe for aonla juice based beverages and preparation of dehydrated aonla slices were conducted at Kittur Rani Channamma CoUege of Horticulture, Arabha\d, during 2001-2002. The aonla pulp treated v.dth pectinase-A at 2g/kg for 12 hours had maximum juice recover (88.35%) v.4th better quality parameters (TSS 10.38%, acidit>^ 1.98%, pH 3.85%, ascorbic acid-293.96 mg/lOOg, reducing sugar 1.48%, non-reducing sugar 8.26%, total sugar 10.17%, sugar acid ratio 5.44). The organoleptic scores (out of 5.0) for juice were 3.23 for colour and appearance, 2.73 for taste, 2.62 for flavour and 2.81 for overall acceptabilit^^ The RTS ha\'ing a recipe of 12% aonla juice + 2% lime juice + 1% ginger + sugar adjusted to a TSS of 15°B was found to be acceptable v.dth organoleptic scores (out of 5.0) of 3.69 for colour and appearance 3.47 for taste, 3.35 for flavour and overall acceptability^ The squash ha\'ing a recipe of 30%o aonla juice + 5% lim.e juice + 2% ginger + sugar adjusted to a TSS of 40°B was found to be acceptable with organoleptic scores (out of 5.0) of 3.73 for colour and appearance, 3.67 for taste, 3.69 for flavour and overall acceptabilit>^ The s^Tup ha\ang a recipe of 45% aonla juice + 10% lime juice + 4% ginger + sugar adjusted to a TSS of 68°B v/as found to be acceptable v.dth organolepdc scores (out of 5.0) ofJ81 for colour and appearance, 3.50 for taste, 3.24 for flavour and 3.38 for overall acceptability. For obtaining t±ie organoleptically acceptable good qualit}^ dehydrated aonla fruit slices, blanching the whole fruit followed bj""- steeping the slices in SCB s;^Tup containing 0.2% KMS for 24 hours and dr>dng directly under sun was found to be best. The organoleptic scores (out of 5.0) were 3.88 for colour and appearance 3.38 for texture, 3.88 for flavour, 4.00 for taste and 3.78 for overall acceptability'. The recovery of dehydrated slices v/as 35.10% with a dehydration ratio of 2.87. Time taken for drying under sun v/as 22 hours, v/hereas it was 17 hours in solar drier and 15 hours in electric drier."ennullPROCESSING OF AONLA (Emblica officinalis Gaerth) FRUITSThesis