Puvarajan, BRamesh, JTANUVAS2016-10-222016-10-222016-090974-9365http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/81391The chelated trace mineral mix was supplemented (Complemin MF Dry) alongwith concentrate feed of 250 g daily fed to fty cows with prolonged anoestrus, infertility and low milk yield etcfor 90 days. The incidence of anestrous and repeat breeding in cows decreased .The SGPT, SGOT and ALP in all the animals were within normal range with increased blood serum calcium and phosphorus concentration. The dietary supplementation of trace minerals reduces the reproductive problems in dairy cattle under eld conditions.enAnimal NutritionVeterinary Public HealthChelated mineralSGPTSGOTVeterinary ScienceEffect of Dietary Supplementation of Chelated Tracemineral Mix (Complemin MF Dry) on Performance in Dairy Cows of Cauvery Delta RegionArticle