RAMA K., NAIKPRATIMA, C. BILEHAL2019-05-162019-05-162007-01-06TH8465http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810103529oesophageal cancer patients, oral precancerous patients. With matched , control. Further the efficacy of antioxidant chemoprevention in initiation, promotion and progression phase of carcinogenesis and n u tritional support system in cancer patients was studied, The mean intake of nutrients and micronutrients were significantly lower in oral cancer compared to matched control and oesophageal cancer except for thiamine and riboflavin. The relative risk was higher with low intake of fruits, green leafy vegetable, other vegetable, milk and milk products in both the cancer groups. The circulating micronutrient level were significantly lower in cancer group compared to control group except for magnesium. The relative risk was higher with tobacco and alcohol in oesophageal and oral cancer. Higher percentage of precancerous patients had poor quality of diet. Higher relative risk was noticed with ~-carotene, ascorbic acid and zinc intake. The mean body weight and food intake of animals in carcinogen control group were significantly lower compared to other group. The antioxidant enzyme levels were significantly higher with antioxidant treatment group compared to carcinogen control. The carcinogen control group animals reported malignancy histopathologically whereas the treatment group animals were in preneoplastic stage. The relative risk for precancerous was higher with green leafy and other vegetables. After supplementation with synthetic antioxidant micronutrient combinations Antoxid for 6 months significant increase' in serum retinol level was recorded. About 40 per cent complete regression of oral leukoplakia and 60 per cent partial regression was observed in Antoxid intervention group. Low cost kitchen based enteral food was formulated with malted grains, soy flour, pulse, skim milk powder and dehydrated carrot powder, enriched with conditionally essential nutrients and immunomodulators. The formula was well accepted and tolerated by patients without any serious discomfort. There was improvement -with body weight and other biochemical parameters on administration of food for 30-45 days of enteral feeding on post operative patientsennullNUTRITIONAL PROFilE AND ANTIOXIDANT MICRONUTRIENT PRESCRIPTIVE APPROACH TOWARDS OESOPHAGEAll ORAL CANCER PATIENTSThesis