Ravinder SinghGurjeet Singh2017-07-052017-07-052012http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810024308Studies on seasonal incidence, crop losses, host preference and management of blister beetle (Mylabris pustulata Thunberg) (Coleoptera: Meloidae) on pigeonpea and mungbean were carried out at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during Kharif 2010 -11. The crop losses studies were carried out under net house conditions as well as under field conditions while the management studies were made under field conditions. The experiments on seasonal abundance revealed that blister beetle started appearing in the 4th week of August with peak activity period during the 4th week of September in pigeonpea and mungbean under Punjab conditions. The blister beetles were more active during morning and evening hours on both the crops. The activity during noon hours was relatively low. Studies on crop losses under field conditions showed that blister beetle caused up to 36.20 per cent damage to flowers and 53.22 per cent losses in yield at 1.96 beetles per plant in pigeonpea and 15.80 per cent damage to flowers and 35.90 per cent losses in yield at 1.3 beetles per plant in mungbean crop. The investigations on crop losses under net house conditions revealed that M. pustulata caused maximum reduction up to 54.18 per cent in pod setting, 20.15 per cent in seed setting and 65.00 per cent in grain yield @ 2 beetles per plant in pigeonpea. However, in mungbean crop, M. pustulata caused maximum reduction up to 67.14 per cent in pod setting, 26.65 per cent seed setting and 75.29 per cent in grain yield @ 4 beetles per plant. Host preference studies carried out under laboratory conditions revealed that M. pustulata showed highest preference towards pigeonpea (87.22 per cent flowers eaten), followed by urdbean (43.52 per cent flowers eaten) and mungbean (30.38 per cent flowers eaten). Amongst varieties, pigeonpea variety AL 201, mungbean variety ML 818 and urdbean variety Mash 338 were more preferred than other varieties of these pulse crops. The studies on management of M. pustulata showed that deltamethrin 2.8 EC @ 500 ml ha-1 > cypermethrin 25 EC @ 250 ml ha-1 > chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 3750 ml ha-1 were the most effective insecticides among all the treatments in both pigeonpea and mungbean.ennullCROP LOSSES BY BLISTER BEETLE (Mylabris pustulata Thunberg) (Coleoptera: Meloidae) ON PIGEONPEA AND MUNGBEAN AND ITS MANAGEMENTThesis