BARANIDHARAN GRPAUNAS KAMLESH JOSHITANUVASKAVITHA SMANGALA GOWRI A2024-01-102024-01-102021 Study on “Platelet additive solution (PAS) added Platelet Concentrate therapy in thrombocytopenic Dogs” was conducted with the aim to assess the efficacy of PAS in extending the storage quality of platelet concentrate and to 11 evaluate the therapeutic outcome of PAS added canine platelets in dogs with severe thrombocytopenia. Severe thrombocytopenia (Platelets < 25,000 cells/μl) due to haemoprotozoal and rickettsial diseases with clinical signs of haemostatic abnormalities are highly prevalent in dogs at the Critical Care Unit, MVC, Chennai and the TANUVAS Animal Blood Bank, MVC, Chennai. The first line emergency therapy for severe thrombocytopenia is Canine Platelet Concentrate (PC) transfusions for management of haemostatic abnormalities. Platelet transfusions can be utilized as both prophylactic and therapeutic measure for the management of severe thrombocytopenia. The objectives of this research were to increase the shelf life of canine PC by the use of SSP+ PAS, to ascertain the optimal concentration and efficacy of PAS to be added to canine PC in the treatment of dogs with severe thrombocytopeniaEnglishPLATELET ADDITIVE SOLUTION (PAS) ADDED PLATELET CONCENTRATE THERAPY IN THROMBOCYTOPENIC DOGSThesis