Karnatak, A.K.Tukaram, Chavan Vikas2018-06-282018-06-282017-07http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810055411During present investigation different insecticides and plant and animal origin formulations were evaluated against sucking pest and fruit borers, infesting chilli crop. Present study was a documentation of evaluation of newer insecticides and plant and animal origin formulations against insect pests in chilli crop indicated that incidence of aphid, thrips, whitefly, cut worm and fruit borer commenced on crop around 25-30 days after transplanting. Among the different insecticides tested against major insect pests of chilli the treatments Fipronil 200 SC 250 ml/ha, Fipronil 200 SC 200 ml/ha, Fipronil 200 SC 150 ml/ha, Lamda cyhalothrin 5EC 300 ml/ha, Fipronil 5 SC 1000ml/ha, Imidacloprid 200SL 250 ml/ha, were found most effective and the maximum fruit yield of chilli was also obtained in these treatments, while the treatments Lamda cyhalothrin 4.9% CS 15 g a.i./ha and Indoxacarb 14.5% SC60 g a.i/ha least effective. In 2015 Maximum yield of 7.95 q ha-1 and 4.69 q ha-1 was obtained in chilli crop treated with Fipronil 200 SC250 ml/ha and NSKE @ 7% respectively, in 2016 same trend was recorded in chili crop. The infestation of thrips recorded highest in the month of May during 2015.The population of whitefly reached its peak during June month and for aphid was during August. The cut worm population in chilli was maximum in the August during 2015 and for Helicoverpa the peak period of activity was during May and august.Insect pests of chilli as affected by sowing dates as a pest control measure, it is concluded that early sowing (April 1st to 30th April) resulted in low incidence of aphids, thrips, whitefly, cut worms and fruit borers. Such low level of insect pest caused less crop injury which resulted in enhancing green fruit yield of chilli. The appropriate planting time can be April 1st.Also in 2015-16 early sowing recorded less incidence of pests on chilli crop. Significantly less mean population of sucking pests viz., aphids, thrips, whitefly, cut worm and fruit borer were observe in Module –III (Chemical module) and followed Module-II (Organochemical module), M-1 (Organic module). Significantly higher number of aphids , thrips, whitefly, cut worms and fruit borers were recorded in M-V(untreated control)in 2015 .ennullBioefficacy and use of eco-friendly plant and animal origin formulations for the management of pest complex of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)Thesis