HIREMATH, UMA S.MALABASARI, ROOPA T.2019-01-292019-01-292015-06http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810092795The study was undertaken in the year 2014-2015 in Bagalkot district of Karnataka with the sample size of 494 rural women to know their knowledge level, extent of adoption and constraints in adoption of home science and agricultural technologies. Majority of trained women had high level of knowledge with respect to washing powder and phenyl making (56.67%), maize products (48.57%), mango products (40.00%) and bakery products (53.13 %) while, untrained women showed medium level of knowledge about maize products (57.14%) and low level in washing powder and phenyl making (43.33%), mango products (36.67 %) and bakery products (46.88%). In case of agricultural technologies more number of trained women had high level of knowledge in dairy management (63.33%) and medium level in seed treatment (63.33%), vermicomposting (60.00 %) and integrated farming system (43.34%) while, untrained women had medium level in dairy management (60.00%) and low level in seed treatment (46.67%), vermicomposting (40.00%) and integrated farming system (46.67 %). With respect to adoption of home science technologies, a higher per cent of women of washing powder and phenyl making (50.00%), maize products (51.43%) and bakery products (50.00%) belonged to high level of adoption category while, majority of women (80.00%) of mango products belonged to medium level of adoption category. In case of agricultural technologies, more number of women (53.33%) of dairy management belonged to high level of adoption category while, majority of the women of seed treatment (66.67%) and integrated farming system (36.67%) belonged to low level of adoption category. . Majority of rural women expressed lack of adequate time and guidance, financial assistance and non availability of raw materials were the main constraints in adoption of home science technologies. Lack of financial assistance, non cooperation of family members, lack of family encouragement and market facility were the main constraints in adoption of agricultural technologies.ennullIMPACT OF KVK TRAININGS ON RURAL WOMENThesis