M. S. KURUVINASHETITISUNDARESHA2019-06-212019-06-212007-08-30TH8749http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810109404Stay-green feature in cereals, the ability of the plant to retain significant green leaf area until complete grain maturity, is considered important as it allows proper grain fill and such genotypes are often drought tolerant. In sorghum, stay-green feature permits complete grain fill during terminal moisture stress, enables the plant to resist charcoal rot {stalk rot) disease and produces quality fodder. Being a quantitative character it is difficult to breed for this character. Present technology permits construction of detailed genetic map with the help of molecular markers and to identify genomic regions responsible for any quantitative trait. In the present investigation, a recombinant inbred population (226) derived from N 13 (senescent) x E 36-1 (stay-green) was phenotyped for one season {rabi 2005-06) and genotyped with 28 polymorphic sorghum E5T-SSR markers, recently developed in our lab. The genetic data for 32 SSR markers already mapped using the same population, kindly provided by ICRISAT. India, was used to anchor the EST-SSR markers on the map. These 32 markers were distributed on LG1-0, LG2-3, LG3-5, LG4-5, LG5-1, LG6-4, LG7-2, LG8-6, LG9-3 and LG10-3. Seven QTLs were detected at a cut off LOD 2.5. Three of them were located on linkage group B. Except one QTL on linkage group D, others were found at new regions, previously not reported. Five QTLs contributed by the stay-green parent E 36-1 accounted for 33.34 per cent of the phenotypic variation.ennullIDENTIFICATION OF GENOMIC REGIONS HARBORING QTLs FOR STAY-GREEN AND RELATED TRAITS IN SORGHUM [Sorghum bicolor{L) Moench]Thesis