Arashdeep SinghSaini, Mandeep2024-03-042024-03-042023Saini, Mandeep (2023). Utilisation of fish protein powder as functional food ingredient in product development (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. study was conducted to utilise the fish protein powder as functional food ingredient in product development. Four different types of fish protein powders were prepared from pangas (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) and rohu (Labeo rohita) which includes pangas protein concentrate (PPC), pangas protein isolate (PPI), rohu protein concentrate (RPC) and rohu protein isolate (RPI). Raw material was assessed for the proximate composition, color characteristics and FTIR spectra. For pangas and rohu protein concentrate the blends were prepared with formulations - control, 3.0%, 6.0%, 9.0%, 12.0%, and 15.0% where as for pangas and rohu protein isolate the blends were prepared with formulations – control, 2.5%, 5.0%, 7.5%, and 10.0%. For pasta the blends were assessed for functional properties which increased the water holding capacity and water solubility index. Cooking characteristics including optimum cooking time, cooked weight, volume expansion, swelling index and water absorption capacity decreased whereas cooking loss increased. Physical parameter of bread includes weight, width/height ratio increased significantly (P < 0.05) whereas height, volume and specific volume decreased significantly (P < 0.05). Baking characteristic like bake absorption and crust to crumb ratio increased whereas oven spring and bake loss decreased. Proximate composition shows significant increase (P < 0.05) in the protein as the amount of fish protein powder increased in the pasta and bread. Textural attributes of pasta and bread was also assessed. Mineral composition shows the presence of various mineral in fish protein powder. Color characteristic shows the significant (P < 0.05) change in color due to the addition of fish protein powders in pasta and bread. In vitro protein digestibility and protein availability also increased significantly (P < 0.05) due to the addition of fish protein powders. FTIR-spectra shows the enhanced peaks of the amide I, II and III peak at 1635-1653 cm-1, 1507-1541 cm-1 and 1174 cm-1 which signifies the enhancement of protein in the pasta and bread. On the basis of sensory analysis pasta and bread made with fish protein concentrate 9% was accepted whereas pasta and bread made with fish protein isolate 5% was accepted. For the shelf-life, the prepared pasta was stored for 3 months whereas bread was stored for 7 days. The overall acceptability of pasta was start to decline after 1 month of storage period. TBRAS content was increased in pasta due to the addition of fish protein powder whereas in case of bread the overall acceptability starts to decline after 4 days of storage period. The yeast and mould growth was clearly visible after 4th day.EnglishUtilisation of fish protein powder as functional food ingredient in product developmentThesis