MANOMOHAN, C.B.VIGIL ANBIAH, S.VIGIL ANBIAH, S.2019-07-042019-07-041996KVASU reference style experimental study was conducted in desi ducks to assess the cytological alteiations induced by aflatoxin B1 (AFBl) and 4 dimethyl ainino axo benzene (4 DAB). One hundred and eight desi ducks of one month age were selected for tlu: study flu- birds were divided into two treatment groups which were given AFBl ( l(bg/kg. body weight and I5^g/ kg body weight) and 4 DAlt (5 mg and 10 mg/kg. body werght) and a control group 1 ,ach group consisted of thirty six birds Body weigirt, haemognun, clotting time, total serum protein, serum albumin, serum globulin, albumin-globulin ratio, serum aspartate amino transterase, serum alanine amino transferase, serum bilirubin and cytogenetic assay were estimated at periodic intervals T he ducks were subjected to detailed autopsy and histopathology. C, linically, the experimental birds were healthy. Anaemia, leucocytosis and increased blood clotting time were noticed in birds which received I ^g/kg body weight of AFBl and both the dose levels of 4 DAB Total serum protein was reduced in all the treated birds In the aflatoxin group, serum albumin and globulin levels weie decreased Albumin-globulin ratio was increased in ^ tieated buds Serum cuspartate amino transferase level was elevated in birds which received lO^g/kg. body weight of Al Bl and 10 mg/kg body weigl.t olM I/tAB Birds which received AF B1 as well <is 10 ing/ky. body weight of 4 DAB showed an elevation in serum alamne ammo transferase level. Serum bilirubin was increased in all (he treated birds. Those ducks which weie fed with ATBl at 15/^g/kg. body weight showed tendency ol liepatoma formation during the experiment 1 he ducks which received 5 mg/kg. body weight of 4 DAB exhibited gitiss and histopathological lesions suggestive of hcpatosis and mild cirrhosis. 1 he birds given 10 mg/kg. body weight of 4 DAB revealed gross as well as histopathological lesions of liepatic degeneration and necrosis and indications of neoplatic changes. Trend towards polyploidy was the major chromosomal aberration observed in ducks which received 1 ^g/kg. body weight of AFBl.ennullAFLATOXIN INDUCED CYTOLOGiCAL ALTERATIONS IN DUCKSThesis