Purwar, J. P.Gejo,Tribikram2024-08-102024-08-102022-08Theses of M.Sc.https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810213118The present investigations were carried out to study the screening of blackgram and greengram germplasm under field conditions at the Norman E. Borlaug Crop Research Centre during the kharif season of 2021. Compatibility of B. thuringiensis with some secondary plant metabolites and combined effect of B. thuringiensis with some secondary plant metabolites against S. litura (Fab.) infesting blackgram and greengram were conducted in PGR Lab, Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttrakhand. On the basis of data recorded among various entries DAFTRI 471 & JLPU 819-18 were found superior against whitefly and IPU 2-43, RVSTU 21-1& RUG 59 were found tolerant against M. distalis & Jassids respectively, whereas PU 1706 found superior against defoliators in blackgram. In case of greengram MH 1468, MH 1857, PUSA M 21-71 were found superior against jassid & thrips, whitefly, defoliators respectively. Compatibility study of B. thuringiensis with different secondary plant metabolites indicated that α- pinene, saponin, maleic acid and oxalic acid were found compatible with B. thuringiensis at all the concentration, while quercetin was found incompatible. Bio assay study was carried out to evaluate the combined effect of B. thuringiensis with some secondary plant metabolites against 6 days old larvae of S. litura (Fab.). All the combinations showed higher dose-mortality response than the sole treatment of B. thuringiensis or the secondary plant metabolites. The combination of the secondary plant metabolites with B. thuringiensis showed 1.06–1.30 fold increase in toxicity of secondary plant metabolites over sole treatment.EnglishSCREENING OF BLACKGRAM & GREENGRAM GERMPLASM AND COMBINED EFFECT OF Baciillllus tthuriingiiensiis ((Berlliiner)) WITH SOME SECONDARY PLANT METABOLITES AGAINST Spodopttera lliittura ((Fabriiciius))Thesis