Devar, K VRaghu, D2019-07-092019-07-092003No. of references 88"Gersoppa range with varied topographic and edaphic conditions endowed diverse plant resources, gives it a status of high diversity hot spot. The study area composed of 191 plant species distributed over 58 families. Among the different altitudinal zones, considered in the study area, the third altitudinal zone (250-350 m MSL) was found to be richest in species composilion with 142 species followed by second altitudinal zone (150^250 m MSL) vyith 128 species, first (50-150 m MSL) and fourth (350-450 m MSL) altitudinal zones with 123 species each. The flora was dominated by Lauraceae, Rubiaceae, Euphorljiaceao, Fabaceae, Ebenaceae, Myrtaceae and Rutaceae members. The lower altitudinal zone was dominated by Knema attenuata - Vitex altissima - Hopea ponga lypo of formation. The second altitudinal zone was dominated by Knema attenuala - Olea dioica - Polyalthia fragrans type of formation. The third altitudinal zone was dominated by Knema attenuata - Syzygium gardneri - Hopea ponga type of formation. The fourth altitudinal zone was dominated by Syzygium gardneri ~ Knema attenuata - Dimocarpus longana type of formation. All the altitudinal zones exhibited close relation with each other encompassing more than 64% of common species. The Shannon's tree species diversity (H') in the study area ranged from 3.645 to 3.877 indicating relatively high species diversity. The tree density in the study area varied from 280 trees/ha to 410 trees/ha. The tree basal area in the study area ranged from 15.23 m'Vha to 26.42m'7ha. The important and dominant species recorded in (he saplings and poles strata vjere Calamus thwaitesii, Hopea ponga, Aporosa lindleyana, etc. The IVI value results reflected Hopea ponga, Knema atlcnuata and Aglaia extipulata, Dimocarpus longana, etc., as the most dominantly regenerating species. The tree basal area, free density, species richness and diversity exhibited positive correlation with altitude and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, organic carbon content of soil while negative correlation with slope gradient."ennullECOLOGICAL STUDIES ON VEGETATION CHARACTERISTICS OF GERSOPPA FOREST RANGEThesis