Singh, RanbirChoskit, Dechan2017-01-062017-01-062016J-14-M-385 leaf curl disease caused by tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV) is a major limiting factor in tomato cultivation in Jammu region of Jammu and Kashmir. Extensive survey was conducted in Jammu and Udhampur districts to ascertain the incidence of the disease and it was observed that in Jammu district the maximum disease incidence of 24.00 per cent was recorded from Akhnoor followed by Marh (22.25 %), Bishnah (20.50 %) and R. S. Pura (19.75 %) with the mean of 21.62 per cent. In Udhampur, the maximum percentage of tomato leaf curl incidence was recorded from Udhampur (23.75%), while minimum 18.75 per cent was recorded from Ramnagar with the mean percentage of disease incidence of 21.56 per cent. The identification of tomato leaf curl virus from all the locations surveyed was done through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the alignment analysis of the amplified- PCR fragments through (BLAST) showed that the virus shared 99.00 per cent nucleotide sequence identity with tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus. Screening of different germplasm collected from different sources against the disease showed that out of fifteen germplasm, Mahaveer and Avinash-2 were found resistant, Samrudhi F1 and Namdhari 82535 were found moderately resistant while eleven germplasm viz. Heem Sohna, Sonali, Rupali, NS 816, NS 812, Pusa Ruby, Indus 1030, Arti, DVRT-2, Hybrid no. 15 and local showed susceptible reaction. Different insecticide (imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, dimethoate, acetamiprid, profenofos and oxy-demeton methyl) were evaluated against tomato leaf curl disease under field condition and it was found that at 70 DAT seed treatment + seedling dip + foliar application of Imidacloprid showed lowest disease intensity followed by foliar application of imidacloprid, seed treatment with imidacloprid, foliar application of thiamethoxam, foliar application of dimethoate, foliar application of acetameprid, foliar application of methyl-o-demeton and foliar application of profenofos treatments, respectively.enDETECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF TOMATO LEAF CURL VIRUS IN JAMMU REGIONThesis