harpinder kaurKhushdeep Kaur2017-01-252017-01-252014http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/97509The present study was conducted on “Musculoskeletal and Visual problems faced by female Video Display Terminal (VDT) users”, with objectives; to evaluate the work station design of video display terminal users on the basis of ergonomic parameters; to assess the work related musculoskeletal and visual problems faced by female VDT users and to formulate a guide as a preventive intervention in reducing the musculoskeletal and visual problems of VDT users. Study was conducted in two phases i.e. field survey and field experiment. Field survey was conducted on 120 female employees working on Video Display Terminals (VDT) in different banks of Ludhiana District. A pre-structured interview schedule was used to ergonomically evaluate the work station design of female VDT users. The musculoskeletal problems of respondents were assessed by using subjective scales i.e. Postural Discomfort Scale (Corlett and Bishop 1976) and Standardized Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (SNMQ). A total of 20 female employees from the sample of field survey having the permissible limits of physiological parameters were selected for the field experiment to assess the work related musculoskeletal problems by using two objective assessment scales i.e. Rapid Upper Limb Assessment Method (RULA) and Quick Exposure Checklist (QEC).Results revealed that respondents felt musculoskeletal and visual problems like pain in neck, lower back, legs and eyes strain due to inadequate dimensions of workstation, improper placement of computer screen, poor lighting and glare. RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) and QEC (Quick Exposure Checklist) showed that postures like forward bending, cervical flexion, bent wrist and unsupported feet were putting them under high risk and for these postures corrective measures are required as soon as possible. A guide was formulated as an ergonomic intervention to reduce the work-related musculoskeletal and visual problems of VDT usersenmanpowerbiological phenomenaMUSCULOSKELETAL AND VISUAL PROBLEMS FACED BY FEMALE VIDEO DISPLAY TERMINAL (VDT) USERSThesis